Train to Alaska from Florida 2024: A Scenic Journey of North America

There is no direct train from Florida to Alaska. Travelers need to combine train routes with other transportation modes.

A journey from Florida to Alaska by train offers a unique way to explore North America’s diverse landscapes. The trip involves multiple connections, including major cities like Chicago and Seattle. From Florida, travelers can take a train to Chicago, then onward to Seattle.

The final leg involves a ferry from Seattle to Alaska. This route allows passengers to experience scenic views, from bustling urban centers to serene wilderness. Along the way, travelers witness stunning landscapes, including mountain ranges, forests, and coastlines.

The Train Journey

Traveling by train from Florida to Alaska is an adventure like no other. The journey offers breathtaking views, diverse landscapes, and an unforgettable experience. This scenic journey across North America takes you through bustling cities, serene countrysides, and stunning natural wonders.

From Florida To Alaska

The train journey from Florida to Alaska covers thousands of miles and several different terrains. Starting in the sunny state of Florida, the train makes its way through various states, each offering unique sights and experiences.

  • Florida: The journey begins in Florida, known for its beautiful beaches and warm climate. Enjoy the view of palm trees and ocean waves as the train starts its northward journey.
  • Georgia: Passing through Georgia, you can see the charming southern landscapes and historic cities like Savannah and Atlanta.
  • Tennessee: The train then moves into Tennessee, home to the Great Smoky Mountains and vibrant cities like Nashville.
  • Midwestern States: Traveling through the Midwest, you experience vast plains and agricultural fields in states like Illinois and Iowa.
  • Rocky Mountains: As the train approaches the Rocky Mountains, the scenery changes to majestic peaks and lush forests, offering some of the most stunning views of the journey.
  • Canada: Crossing into Canada, the train travels through picturesque regions such as British Columbia and the Yukon, where you can witness pristine wilderness and wildlife.

The journey through these states and regions is a visual treat. Each place offers a new perspective and adds to the overall experience. The diverse landscapes and cultures make this train journey from Florida to Alaska truly unique and memorable.

Train To Alaska From Florida

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or planning your first long-distance trip, this guide will help you plan your perfect journey from Florida to Alaska.

Choosing Your Route

Picking the best route is crucial for a memorable train journey. There are several routes to consider, each offering different experiences and scenic views. The most popular routes include:

  • Florida to Chicago: Start your journey from Miami or Orlando and head to Chicago. This leg of the trip offers views of the southeastern U.S. and major cities.
  • Chicago to Seattle: From Chicago, board the Empire Builder. This route takes you through the Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, and the Pacific Northwest.
  • Seattle to Anchorage: The final leg involves a combination of train and ferry. Travel by train to Vancouver, then take a ferry to Anchorage. This part of the trip offers stunning coastal views.

Here’s a sample itinerary for your reference:

1Miami/Orlando to Chicago24-30 hours
2Chicago to Seattle45-50 hours
3Seattle to Vancouver (Train)4 hours
4Vancouver to Anchorage (Ferry)48-60 hours

Research each route to find the one that best fits your interests and schedule. Consider travel times, layovers, and scenic highlights when making your choice.

Booking Tickets And Accommodations

Booking tickets and accommodations for a long journey requires planning. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Book Early: Train tickets and accommodations can sell out quickly, especially during peak travel seasons. Book as early as possible to secure the best rates and seats.
  2. Use Reliable Websites: Use trusted websites like Amtrak for booking your train tickets. For accommodations, consider or Airbnb.
  3. Check for Discounts: Look for discounts and deals. Senior citizens, students, and military personnel often get discounts on train fares.
  4. Reserve Overnight Stays: Plan overnight stays in major cities along your route. This breaks up the journey and allows you to explore new places. Popular stopovers include Chicago and Seattle.
  5. Consider a Rail Pass: If you plan on multiple train journeys, a rail pass can be cost-effective and convenient.

Here’s a sample booking checklist:

Book Train TicketsAmtrak or Via Rail
Reserve AccommodationsHotels or Airbnb
Check for DiscountsSenior, Student, Military
Plan StopoversChicago, Seattle
Purchase Rail PassIf multiple journeys

Packing Tips

Packing smartly ensures a comfortable and enjoyable journey. Consider these tips:

  • Layered Clothing: Weather can vary greatly on this trip. Pack layers to adjust to different climates.
  • Comfortable Shoes: You’ll be doing a lot of walking during stopovers. Bring comfortable, durable shoes.
  • Travel Essentials: Don’t forget essentials like your passport, travel documents, and medications.
  • Entertainment: Bring books, magazines, or a tablet to keep yourself entertained during long stretches.
  • Snacks and Water: Train food can be expensive. Bring your own snacks and a refillable water bottle.

Here’s a sample packing list:

ClothingLayered outfits, comfortable shoes
Travel DocumentsPassport, tickets, ID
MedicationsPrescriptions, over-the-counter meds
EntertainmentBooks, tablet, headphones
SnacksNon-perishable snacks, water bottle

Pack light but ensure you have everything you need. A well-packed bag makes your journey more comfortable and enjoyable.

Scenic Routes

Let’s explore some of the most captivating scenic routes you’ll encounter on this incredible journey.

Through The Rockies

The Rocky Mountains are a highlight of the journey. These towering peaks offer stunning vistas. As the train winds through the Rockies, expect to see:

  • Snow-capped peaks that glisten in the sunlight.
  • Deep valleys filled with lush greenery.
  • Rushing rivers cutting through the rugged landscape.

Passengers can enjoy panoramic views from the comfort of the train. The observation car provides a 360-degree view, making it perfect for photography enthusiasts. Wildlife sightings are common. You might see:

  • Elk grazing in the meadows.
  • Black bears ambling through the forest.
  • Golden eagles soaring above the treetops.

The journey through the Rockies is both awe-inspiring and serene. It’s a perfect blend of nature’s grandeur and tranquility.

Along The Pacific Coast

The Pacific Coast offers a completely different scenic experience. As the train travels northward, the coastline provides mesmerizing views of the ocean. Key highlights include:

  • Pristine beaches with golden sands.
  • Rocky cliffs plunging into the waves.
  • Secluded coves dotted along the shore.

The coastal route is rich with marine life. Look out for:

  • Whales breaching in the distance.
  • Dolphins playfully swimming alongside the train.
  • Seabirds diving for fish.

Traveling along the Pacific Coast is a sensory delight. The smell of the salty sea air, the sound of crashing waves, and the sight of endless blue make this part of the journey unforgettable.

Over The Canadian Prairies

The Canadian Prairies offer a vast, open landscape that contrasts beautifully with the mountains and coastline. This part of the journey is characterized by:

  • Endless fields of wheat and barley.
  • Rolling hills that stretch to the horizon.
  • Clear blue skies with fluffy white clouds.

The prairies are known for their stunning sunsets. The sky lights up in shades of orange, pink, and purple. Wildlife here is unique. You might see:

  • Bison roaming the plains.
  • Pronghorns dashing across the fields.
  • Prairie dogs popping up from their burrows.

The Canadian Prairies provide a sense of peace and vastness. The open space and natural beauty are truly captivating. This part of the journey allows you to experience the heart of North America’s agricultural landscape.

Wildlife Encounters

From the vast plains of Montana to the rugged terrains of British Columbia and the icy wilderness of Alaska, you’ll have the chance to see incredible wildlife up close.

Bison Herds In Montana

Traveling through Montana, you will encounter the majestic bison herds roaming the plains. These magnificent creatures are a symbol of the American West, and seeing them in their natural habitat is awe-inspiring.

  • Size and Strength: Bison are the largest land mammals in North America.
  • Herd Behavior: They move in herds, providing a spectacular sight as they graze and move across the landscape.
  • Historical Significance: Bison have a deep historical connection with the Native American tribes.

Montana’s open plains provide the perfect backdrop for these incredible animals. You’ll see them grazing, interacting, and sometimes even running in unison. Make sure to have your camera ready to capture these moments. Their sheer size and the sound of their movement will leave you in awe.

WeightUp to 2,000 pounds
HeightOver 6 feet tall
SpeedUp to 35 mph

Grizzly Bears In British Columbia

Next, the train takes you into the heart of British Columbia, where you’ll have the chance to spot the powerful grizzly bears. These bears are one of the most iconic animals in North America.

Grizzly bears are often seen near rivers and streams, especially during the salmon run. They rely on the rich fish population for food. Watching a grizzly bear catch a salmon is a thrilling experience.

  • Habitat: They thrive in dense forests and mountainous regions.
  • Diet: Their diet includes fish, berries, and small mammals.
  • Behavior: Grizzlies are solitary animals, except during mating season or a plentiful food source.

Seeing a grizzly bear in the wild is a rare treat. Make sure to stay at a safe distance and use binoculars for a closer look. The train journey provides a safe vantage point to observe these magnificent animals.

WeightUp to 900 pounds
HeightUp to 7 feet tall
SpeedUp to 30 mph

Caribou In Alaska

As you approach Alaska, the landscape changes dramatically. Here, you’ll encounter the majestic caribou. These animals are perfectly adapted to the cold, rugged environment of Alaska.

Caribou, also known as reindeer, are famous for their impressive migrations. They travel long distances between their summer and winter habitats. Watching a herd of caribou move across the tundra is a sight to behold.

  • Migratory Patterns: Caribou are known for their long migrations, which can cover thousands of miles.
  • Antlers: Both males and females grow antlers, which they shed and regrow each year.
  • Diet: They feed on lichens, grasses, and other tundra vegetation.

In Alaska, you’ll see caribou in their natural habitat. They often travel in large herds, providing a spectacular view. Their antlers are one of their most distinctive features, and seeing them up close is a unique experience.

WeightUp to 700 pounds
HeightUp to 5 feet tall
SpeedUp to 50 mph

Historical Stops

One of the most fascinating aspects of this trip is the opportunity to explore historical stops along the way. These stops provide a glimpse into the rich history and cultural heritage of various regions. Let’s delve into three notable historical stops: Seattle’s Pioneer Square, Dawson City’s Gold Rush History, and Anchorage’s Native Heritage.

Seattle’s Pioneer Square

Seattle’s Pioneer Square is a must-visit historical stop on your journey to Alaska. This area is known as the birthplace of Seattle. It features charming 19th-century architecture, cobblestone streets, and a vibrant cultural scene.

  • Underground Tour: Explore the underground passages and learn about Seattle’s early days.
  • Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park: Discover the stories of gold seekers who passed through Seattle.
  • Smith Tower: Visit one of the oldest skyscrapers in the city for panoramic views.

Visitors can also enjoy a variety of shops, galleries, and restaurants. The area is perfect for a leisurely stroll, taking in the sights and sounds of Seattle’s past.

Dawson City’s Gold Rush History

Next, Dawson City in Yukon Territory offers a rich gold rush history. This town was the epicenter of the Klondike Gold Rush in the late 1800s. It’s a place where history comes alive.

Key attractions in Dawson City include:

  1. Diamond Tooth Gerties Gambling Hall: Experience the vibrant nightlife with can-can shows.
  2. Jack London Museum: Learn about the famous author who lived here during the gold rush.
  3. Dredge No. 4: Visit the largest wooden-hulled dredge in North America.

Walking through Dawson City, you’ll find restored buildings, historical plaques, and an air of adventure. It’s a perfect stop for history buffs and those eager to experience the spirit of the gold rush.

Anchorage’s Native Heritage

Finally, Anchorage offers a deep dive into Alaska’s Native heritage. This city is home to a diverse population with rich cultural traditions.

Significant places to visit in Anchorage include:

  • Alaska Native Heritage Center: Learn about the indigenous cultures through exhibits and performances.
  • Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center: Discover the history, art, and culture of Alaska.
  • Eklutna Historical Park: Explore the village and its colorful spirit houses.

Anchorage’s Native heritage is beautifully preserved and shared with visitors. It’s a unique experience that provides a deeper understanding of Alaska’s indigenous communities.

Off-train Excursions

These excursions allow you to explore some of the continent’s most majestic landscapes and wildlife. Discover the wonders of Glacier Bay National Park, Denali National Park, and the Yukon River Cruise during your adventure.

Glacier Bay National Park

Glacier Bay National Park is a must-see destination on your Alaskan adventure. This stunning park, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcases magnificent glaciers and diverse wildlife.

During your off-train excursion, you can:

  • Witness massive glaciers calving into the sea.
  • Spot humpback whales, sea lions, and puffins.
  • Explore tidewater glaciers and icefields.

Take a guided boat tour to get up close to the glaciers. You’ll feel the chill in the air and hear the cracking ice. The park also offers hiking trails with varying difficulty levels. These trails provide spectacular views of glaciers and mountains. Don’t forget to bring your camera for stunning photos.

Boat Tour6-8 hours
Hiking1-3 hours

Denali National Park

Denali National Park is home to North America’s highest peak, Mount Denali. This park offers vast wilderness and incredible wildlife viewing opportunities.

During your visit, you can:

  • Take a bus tour for wildlife spotting.
  • Hike scenic trails with panoramic views.
  • Visit the Denali Visitor Center for educational exhibits.

The Tundra Wilderness Tour is a popular choice. It takes you deep into the park, where you can see grizzly bears, caribou, and moose. For a more adventurous experience, try a flightseeing tour. You’ll get a bird’s-eye view of Mount Denali and the surrounding glaciers.

Bus Tour6-8 hours
Flightseeing1-2 hours

Yukon River Cruise

The Yukon River Cruise offers a unique way to explore Alaska’s history and natural beauty. This river, one of North America’s longest, flows through stunning landscapes and historic sites.

On the cruise, you can:

  • Learn about the Gold Rush era.
  • See historic settlements and trading posts.
  • Observe local wildlife along the riverbanks.

Aboard a comfortable riverboat, you’ll hear stories of early explorers and gold miners. The scenic views include lush forests and rugged mountains. Wildlife enthusiasts will enjoy spotting eagles, bears, and moose. The cruise also offers opportunities for fishing and photography.

River Cruise4-6 hours
Fishing2-3 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Take A Train From Florida To Alaska?

No, you can’t take a train directly from Florida to Alaska. Train routes do not connect these states. You need to fly or drive.

What Is The Most Scenic Train Ride In North America?

The most scenic train ride in North America is the Rocky Mountaineer. It travels through the Canadian Rockies, offering breathtaking views of mountains, rivers, and forests. This journey provides an unforgettable experience with its luxurious service and stunning landscapes.

What Is The Most Scenic Alaska Railroad Route?

The most scenic Alaska Railroad route is the Denali Star. It travels between Anchorage and Fairbanks, passing Denali National Park.

How Much Is A Scenic Train Ride In Alaska?

Scenic train rides in Alaska typically cost between $70 and $200 per person. Prices vary based on duration and service.

Selecting Your Travel Dates

It’s important to plan your travel dates in advance to ensure you get the best rates and availability. The Amtrak Auto Train runs every day of the week, and the Coast Starlight runs multiple times a week. The Alaska Railroad runs from mid-May to mid-September, so plan accordingly.

Scenery and Attractions Along the Way

There are many scenic attractions to see along the way, such as the Columbia River Gorge, the Cascade Mountains, and the Rocky Mountains. You’ll also pass through many charming towns and cities, such as Portland, Seattle, and Anchorage. And, of course, you’ll get to experience the stunning beauty of Denali National Park.

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