The Labranche House: Haunted Building in French Quarter of New Orleans

The Labranche House is a historical building located in the heart of the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. The house, built in the early 1800s, has a rich history, with its roots dating back to the plantation era of Louisiana.

However, what makes this building unique is its reputation as one of the most haunted houses in New Orleans. In this article, we will explore the history of the Labranche House, its haunted reputation, and its impact on the community.

The History of the Labranche House

The Labranche House was built in the early 1800s by a wealthy French Creole family named Labranche. The house, located on Royal Street, was designed in the Creole style, with a two-story main building and a one-story dependency at the rear. The Labranche family, who owned a nearby plantation, used the house as a city residence and hosted lavish parties and social events in the house.

Over the years, the Labranche House passed through several owners and underwent various renovations. In 1927, the house was purchased by Peter Sarpy, a prominent businessman, who added a third story to the building. In the 1940s, the house was converted into a boarding house, and in the 1970s, it was purchased by a couple who turned it into a bed and breakfast.

The Hauntings Begin

The Labranche House has a long history of paranormal activity. Visitors and residents of the house have reported strange occurrences, including unexplained footsteps, doors opening and closing by themselves, and objects moving on their own. Some have even claimed to see the ghost of a woman in a white dress wandering the halls of the house.

In the 1990s, the Labranche House gained national attention when it was investigated by paranormal experts, who recorded numerous instances of paranormal activity. The experts also discovered a hidden room in the house that had been sealed off for decades. Inside the room, they found an old bed and other furniture, as well as evidence of rituals that had been performed in the room.

The Mystery Deepens

The discovery of the hidden room only added to the mystery surrounding the Labranche House. In the early 1900s, the house had been the site of a tragic family event. The Labranche family had lost their daughter, who died in the house under mysterious circumstances. Some believe that her ghost still haunts the house, while others believe that her death was part of a larger conspiracy.

The Labranche House has also been the subject of local legends and folklore. Some say that the house is built on top of an old cemetery, while others claim that it was once used as a brothel. Regardless of the truth behind these stories, they only add to the mystique of the Labranche House.

The Legacy of the Labranche House

Today, the Labranche House is a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors from all over the world who are eager to experience the house’s haunted reputation. The house has been featured in numerous books, movies, and TV shows, and it is often cited as one of the most haunted houses in New Orleans.

Despite its haunted reputation, the Labranche House is also a valuable piece of history. The house is an example of the Creole style of architecture that was popular in New Orleans in the 1800s, and it offers a glimpse into the lives of the wealthy families who once lived in the French Quarter.

The Labranche House is now owned by the Treehouse Play Cafe, which operates a coffee shop and children’s play area in the building. The cafe has preserved the historical integrity of the house, while also embracing its haunted reputation. The owners offer ghost tours of the house, allowing visitors to explore its haunted past and learn about its historical significance.

The Labranche House is not the only haunted building in the French Quarter of New Orleans. The area is known for its many haunted houses and ghost stories, including the Lalaurie Mansion, the Andrew Jackson Hotel, and the Bourbon Orleans Hotel. However, the Labranche House stands out as one of the most mysterious and intriguing haunted buildings in the area.

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Who owns the LaBranche House?

The LaBranche House is privately owned. It was last purchased by the current owners, who restored it to its former glory and opened it up for tours.

When was the LaBranche house built?

The LaBranche House was built in 1831 by a wealthy New Orleans family, the LaBranches. The house was originally a plantation, but the family later moved to the city and built the house in the French Quarter.

What is the most photographed house in the French Quarter?

The most photographed house in the French Quarter is the “Cornstalk Fence House,” located on Royal Street. The house is famous for its ornate iron fence, which resembles cornstalks, and is a popular spot for tourists to take pictures.

What is the largest house in New Orleans?

The largest house in New Orleans is the Pitot House, located on Bayou St. John. The house was built in the late 18th century and features French Creole architecture. It is now a museum open to the public, offering a glimpse into the history and culture of New Orleans.

In Conclusion

The Labranche House is a fascinating piece of New Orleans history, with a haunted reputation that only adds to its mystique. The house offers a glimpse into the lives of the wealthy families who once lived in the French Quarter, while also providing a chilling reminder of the city’s dark past.

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the Labranche House is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the history and folklore of New Orleans. From its beautiful Creole architecture to its mysterious hidden room, the house is full of secrets and stories waiting to be discovered. And who knows, you might just have your own paranormal encounter while exploring its haunted halls.

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