Can You Pack Soda in Checked Luggage?

Traveling often involves bringing back souvenirs, and for one individual, it was holiday edition Coca Cola plastic bottles purchased in the USA destined for Malaysia. The question arose: Can these Coca Cola bottles be safely transported in checked baggage without causing any problems? This article delves into the experiences and advice shared by fellow travelers to address this common concern.

Can you pack soda in checked luggage?

According to TSA guidelines, you can pack soda in checked luggage as long as it is in its original, unopened container and there is no more than 5 liters per person.

Safe Transport of Coca Cola Bottles

Safe Transport of Coca Cola Bottles
Safe Transport of Coca Cola Bottles

Several experienced travelers chimed in with their advice on transporting Coca Cola bottles in checked baggage:

1. Protecting Against Leaks: It is crucial to take measures to prevent leaks during transit. Bubble wrap can be a valuable asset for securing the bottles. Wrapping each bottle in a T-shirt or similar garment provides an extra layer of protection. Placing the wrapped bottles in strong plastic bags can further mitigate the risk of spills.

2. Pressure in the Cargo Hold: Contrary to some assumptions, the cargo hold of an aircraft is pressurized and heated just like the main cabin. This means that the atmospheric pressure in the cargo hold is lower than at sea level but is not enough to cause bottles to explode. So, when it comes to Coca Cola bottles filled with the beverage, the risk of pressure-related issues is minimal.

3. Ziplock Bags: Ziplock bags are hailed as one of the best inventions for travelers. These versatile bags are recommended for storing the bottles, especially if there is any concern about leaks. By squeezing out most of the air from the bags and securing them with rubber bands, the risk of spills is significantly reduced.

4. Empty Bottles as Alternatives: For those who value the unique bottles rather than the contents, one traveler suggested a practical alternative. Empty the bottles and take them home, filling them with Coca Cola upon arrival. This not only avoids any potential hassles but also reduces the weight of your luggage.

TSA Regulations for Packing Soda in Checked Luggage

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has strict regulations regarding the quantity and packaging of liquids in checked luggage. Soda is considered a liquid, so it’s important to understand these guidelines before packing your beverages.

Quantity Limits: When packing soda in checked luggage, you should be aware that the TSA limits the amount of liquids that can be packed. According to TSA guidelines, passengers are allowed to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, and pastes in their carry-on luggage. However, when packing soda in checked luggage, there is no limit to the quantity you can bring.

Packaging Requirements: Soda cans and bottles are allowed in checked luggage, but they must be properly packaged. The TSA recommends placing them in a plastic bag or wrapping them in bubble wrap to prevent breakage. You should also make sure that the bottles are securely closed to prevent any leaks.

Restrictions on Flammable and Explosive Materials: It’s important to note that some sodas, particularly those with high caffeine content, can be considered hazardous materials due to their potential to explode under pressure. If you’re packing soda cans or bottles, be sure to check the TSA guidelines for transporting hazardous materials.

Risks of Packing Soda in Checked Luggage

While you can pack soda in your checked luggage, there are several risks associated with doing so.

Damage to Luggage: When packing soda cans or bottles in checked luggage, there is always a risk of damage to your luggage. If the bottles break or cans get crushed, they could potentially damage other items in your luggage.

Risk of Leakage: There is also a risk of leakage when packing soda in checked luggage. If a bottle or can is not securely closed, it could leak onto your clothes or other items in your luggage.

Potential Health Hazards: Some sodas contain ingredients that could potentially cause health hazards if they come into contact with other items in your luggage. For example, alcoholic beverages could potentially leak and damage other items, while caffeine-containing sodas could potentially contaminate food items.

Alternatives to Packing Soda in Checked Luggage

If you’re concerned about the risks of packing soda in your checked luggage, there are several alternative options you can consider.

Bringing Soda in Carry-On Luggage: One option is to pack your sodas in your carry-on luggage. This will ensure that you can keep an eye on them and reduce the risk of damage or leakage. Remember, however, that the TSA limits the amount of liquids you can bring in your carry-on luggage, so you may need to choose which sodas to bring carefully.

Purchasing Soda at Your Destination: Another option is to simply purchase sodas at your destination. This can be a convenient option if you don’t want to risk damaging your luggage or if you’re traveling to a location where sodas are readily available.

Packing Non-Liquid Alternatives: Finally, if you’re looking for a non-liquid alternative to sodas, you can consider packing powdered drink mixes or other caffeine-free beverages.

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Can I put cans in my checked luggage?

Yes, you can put cans in your checked luggage. However, you need to ensure that the cans are properly packed and secured to prevent them from exploding or leaking during transportation. Additionally, you should also be aware of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guidelines for liquids and pack the cans accordingly.

What liquids are not allowed in checked baggage?

The TSA has strict guidelines on liquids that are allowed in checked baggage. Liquids that are flammable, corrosive, or explosive are generally not allowed, including gasoline, lighter fluid, and aerosol cans. Additionally, liquids that are considered hazardous, such as bleach, chlorine, and other chemicals, are also prohibited. Other items that are not allowed in checked baggage include firearms, explosives, and perishable food items.

Can you take soft drink cans on a plane?

Yes, you can take soft drink cans on a plane. However, you need to make sure that the cans are properly packed and secured to prevent them from exploding or leaking during the flight. Additionally, you should also be aware of the TSA guidelines for liquids and pack the cans accordingly. If you are unsure about the guidelines, it is always best to check with your airline or the TSA before traveling.


In conclusion, you can pack soda in your checked luggage, but it’s important to be aware of the TSA regulations and the potential risks associated with doing so. If you’re concerned about the risks, consider packing your sodas in your carry-on luggage, purchasing them at your destination, or packing non-liquid alternatives.

If you do decide to pack soda in your checked luggage, make sure to follow the TSA guidelines for liquids, package them properly, and be aware of the potential risks. By taking these precautions, you can transport your favorite beverages without any issues.

Overall, while it is possible to pack soda in your checked luggage, it’s important to weigh the risks and benefits before doing so. Consider your options carefully and choose the method that best suits your needs and preferences. With a little planning and preparation, you can enjoy your favorite sodas while traveling without any hassle.


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