Is Budapest Safe For Solo Female Travellers?

Are you a solo female traveler planning a trip to Budapest? Safety is likely to be one of your top concerns. Budapest is a stunning city, with a rich history and plenty of attractions to explore. But is it safe for solo female travelers? In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the safety of Budapest, discuss the cultural considerations to keep in mind, and provide tips on how to stay safe during your travels.

Safety in Budapest

Budapest is generally a safe city for travelers, including solo female travelers. The crime rate in Budapest is lower than in many other European cities, including Paris and London. However, like any city, Budapest has its share of crime.

Pickpocketing, bag snatching, and other forms of theft are the most common types of crime that occur in Budapest. Violent crime against tourists is relatively rare in Budapest, and visitors are unlikely to encounter any major safety issues.

Cultural Considerations

Budapest is a multicultural city, and visitors are likely to encounter people from all walks of life. Solo female travelers should be aware of cultural differences and adjust their behavior accordingly. Hungarian culture is relatively conservative, and it is generally best to dress modestly in public spaces.

Revealing clothing may attract unwanted attention, so it is best to dress modestly. Women should also be cautious when accepting drinks from strangers and should never leave their drinks unattended.


Budapest has an excellent public transportation system that is generally safe for travelers. However, visitors should be aware of their surroundings and keep their valuables close when using public transportation or taxis.

Avoid traveling alone late at night, especially in isolated areas or poorly lit streets. Women should consider using ride-sharing apps like Uber, Bolt, or FreeNow, which are widely available in Budapest.


When choosing accommodation, it is important to consider safety. Budapest has many safe neighborhoods, including Belváros, the city center, and the Castle District. These neighborhoods are home to many hotels and hostels that are popular with travelers.

When choosing a hotel or hostel, look for properties that have good security features, such as key card access or security personnel.


Budapest is a vibrant city with a lively nightlife scene. However, women should take care when going out at night, especially if they are alone. Avoid walking alone late at night, and stick to well-lit areas with plenty of people around.

Be wary of accepting drinks from strangers, and never leave your drink unattended. If you are going out at night, consider using a ride-sharing app like Uber, Bolt, or FreeNow to get around.

Emergency Information

In case of an emergency, it is important to know how to get help. The emergency number in Hungary is 112, and it can be used to call the police, ambulance, or fire department.

It is also a good idea to know the location of your embassy or consulate, in case you need assistance. If you are the victim of a crime, report it to the police immediately.

Is it safe to walk around Budapest alone?

Yes, it is generally safe to walk around Budapest alone. Budapest is a relatively safe city, with a lower crime rate than many other European cities. However, as with any city, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to stay safe.

Avoid poorly lit streets and isolated areas, especially at night. Keep your valuables close and be cautious when accepting drinks from strangers.

What is the safest country in Europe to travel alone as a woman?

There is no one “safest” country in Europe for solo female travelers, as safety can vary depending on the location and circumstances. However, some countries that are generally considered safe for solo female travelers include Iceland, Norway, Finland, and Switzerland. These countries have low crime rates and are known for their welcoming and friendly cultures.

What is the safest country to travel to as a woman alone?

Again, there is no one “safest” country for solo female travelers, as safety can vary depending on the location and circumstances. However, many countries in Western Europe, such as Germany, France, and Spain, are generally considered safe for solo female travelers. These countries have low crime rates and are known for their welcoming cultures.

Is Prague safe for solo female travelers?

Yes, Prague is generally safe for solo female travelers. The crime rate in Prague is relatively low, and violent crime against tourists is rare. However, as with any city, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to stay safe. Avoid poorly lit streets and isolated areas, especially at night. Keep your valuables close and be cautious when accepting drinks from strangers.


Budapest is a safe city for solo female travelers, but like any city, visitors should take precautions to stay safe. By being aware of your surroundings, adjusting your behavior to cultural differences, and taking advantage of safe transportation options, you can enjoy Budapest without any major safety concerns.

With its stunning historical sights, excellent restaurants, and vibrant nightlife, Budapest is the perfect destination for female solo travelers looking for adventure.

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